Crush On: 13.1

My boyfriend and I rocked the Malibu 1/2 Marathon this past weekend on early Sunday morning.  As I had shared in an earlier post:

I complete the Malibu 1/2 Marathon in sub 2 hours.

I am so freaking stoked to share with you that my official finish time was:  1:59:16

Just by seconds and I’ll count it.

What I do know is that this goal was mind over matter.  There were gnarly hills I was definitely not prepared for.  Waking up at 4am to running at almost 8am makes it tricky to gauge the perfect outfit for such temperatures near the water.  The pre-race meal, I will not even tell you what I consumed the evening before the start line.  And, did I mention the hills?

Mind over matter.  At mile 7, the 2 hour pace racers buzzed past me on an uphill.  At mile 10, I realized I could still make it.  At mile 12, I passed the 2 hour pacers coming into the finish line!


When it comes to rocking your goals, you have to believe 100% in yourself, even if you seem to fall behind, say at mile 7.  Believe harder.  Feel it in the depths of your body and know it to be possible.  Keep going.  Seriously, keep going.  And crush on, my friends!  Crush on!



Filed under Goals

Cheers to Traditions

I get impatient in early November.

I am so excited for holiday that is Thanksgiving at my parent’s house in Houston, I can barely contain myself.  My family is the real deal when it comes to traditions.  And, my family is the real deal when we are all together.  It is magic.

I sit here staring at the date in the bottom right hand of my computer, as if I am sitting in Los Angeles traffic at 5:15pm on the 10 freeway.  Willing it to move, move, move faster.

I shall share with you what excites me about the holiday of Turkey, Moustaches, and Thankful-ness:

+  Love.  I feel so much love.

+  My sisters.  There is nothing in the World that compares to the moments shared with my sisters.  Nothing.

+  When I walk through the door to my Houston home, I feel a sigh of relief come straight from my Mom’s heart to my own.  There is something about a child living far away that makes the holidays so special to her.  It is like her puzzle is finished in that moment.  I feel that.

+ And then my Dad, the life of the party at any hour.  To this day, he still makes me laugh more than any human … well, ever.  And you know what they say, laughter is the best medicine.  Always.

+ My sweet and utmost patient boyfriend in the chaos that is my loud and louder family.  He is finding his way and it steals my big heart every time.

+ My best friend of an inducted brother, Chris New joining in like he has been there forever.  He does what he wants, when he wants.  And, he makes the Paula Deen special Mac n’ Cheese.  Oh, my brother.

+ Oh, and my Dad’s best friend from his high school days in good ol’ Indiana, Mark “Ruby” Robertson comes over with a deep fry kit and a full fireman outfit.  He is jet set to deep fry the turkey!  Yes, it is true and a sight to see.

+ The Movember moustache that is my Dad, Mark “Ruby” Robertson, boyfriend and brother’s upper lip (and my left index finger) is in full effect.

+ A tradtion to sake bomb the night after Thanksgiving Dinner.  Who has room for sushi and sake?  We do.  Ready everyone:  “When I say Sake, you say Bomb, SAKE….BOMB….SAKE…BOMB!”  WARNING:  A pre-apology to anyone and everyone at the restaurant we attend this year.  Happening, Houstonians.  Waiter, waiter, can you get the bill?  No, not for us, for everyone else?  Thanks.

+  The feast.  Grateful.  Period.

+  There have been rumors of a keg being ordered for this year as a new tradition.  NOTE:  Coors Light, you are welcome, Dad.  Never going to grow up at this Thanksgiving.  I see Keg stands in our near future.  How old are we?  #glorydays

+  And that moment when we are all sitting down at dinner.  My Mom calls for someone to say Grace.  We all hold hands around the table, give thanks and feel love.

My heart beats for the holidays.  Bring it on, Thanksgiving!

Rock your traditions for any holiday and if you can, add a SAKE BOMB in there!


Filed under Happiness, Relationship

Go Happen

I am reading a new book, Shake the World by James Marshall Reilly.

I feel absolutely compelled to share this page with you:

Read it again.  And again.

Go happen to things and live so big!  Go!


Filed under Adventures, Goals

Life Mode: Comparison


NOTE:  This very well might be written in permanent ink on my body one day.

To be real with you, I catch myself playing the comparison game more than I would like.  And I realize in this life mode of comparison, I can seemingly drift into a constrained sense of self.  There is an ignorance that literally blocks my own personality, my art, my ultimate creativity, my joy.  I feel stress, judgement, fear, self doubt, a little rage and I get aggressive.  Who is that?

You ever go there?

In these moments, I literally feel that I press the pause button on one epic soundtrack when I start comparing myself to another person.  You know at a wedding or at the end of the most awesome nights and the music stops and the lights come on and we are like, “‘No, play one more, please.  I’m not done yet!’.  Well, that is exactly what happens when you compare.  Music stops, party over and your life is like, wait, ‘I am so not done yet, turn that beat back on!’.

I have to remind myself to channel Teddy Roosevelt and realize that I am the thief of my own joy.  I have to feel it, own it, make a choice and stop, stop, stop comparing.  Recognize where I am now and know that I will get to where I want to go, once I can hear the music again.

Your turn.  Release the pause button.  Recognize where you are and know that you will get to where you want to go.

Press play.

Rock your life.  Your way.  Your time.  Your Joy.

All you.


Filed under Possibility, Present

Gratitude. Moustaches. Love.

Happy November to you and you and you!

Rocktober has closed, life has been lived and here we are, Movember uno.

Here they are, the updates:

1)  I am in the midst of training for the Malibu 1/2 Marathon!  10 days to go.  And yes, the boyfriend signed up!  Like I always say, a couple that runs together, stay together.  Or, we are just going to wing it and have the best brunch November 11 has ever seen.  Yes, the sub 2 hour goals still lives!

2)  Fall Soiree.  Happened.

3)  3 day cleanse = fail.  However, I rocked a one day cleanse with JuiceCrafters.  And, I found my accountability partner in my rad friend, Kristina Gong for a 3 day cleanse post 11/11.  She is rocking the Malibu 1/2, too!  Post run, bring on the juice!

4)  Chris and I did not make 2 dates.  Shoot!  Travel schedule, life, sweatpants + flannel… however, we did have one amazing date with delish food, red wine and an impulse purchase including blue leopard print jeans!  I just love love.

5) My blog friends challenged me to not accept any plastic bags for the month.  I can happily say, DONE!  I even carried broccoli in my backpack!  #gogreen

Recap:  October was absolutely unreal.  I goal coached at Yoga Journal Conference in our future life state of Colorado with the boyfriend in the audience, I cheered on one Ironman of a goal crusher at KONA 2012 and swung in a  hammock in Maui, I rocked Seattle with my team of 2 and ran with my sweet pup along the Pacific Ocean often.  I lived a full life this past October.

Let’s do it again!

In the beautiful month of November that is full of gratitude, my favorite people’s birthdays and family love; let’s get intentional here and now:

1)  I raise 500.00 for Movember with my team, “All the Eggs and Bacon You Have”.  Check it:  here.

2)  I am feeling some ink.  #tattoo

3)  I complete the Malibu 1/2 Marathon in sub 2 hours.

4)  Photo Shoot.  Charlie Brown lights.  Holiday Cards to PRINT.  Must happen.

5) goes LIVE by November 30, 2012.

6)  How will you know November?  Tell me about how we can rock gratitude, let’s get accountable!

Inspire me in the comments and share, share, share what you are going to get up to this month!

Let’s live life bigger.  Go!

Gratitude. Moustaches. Love.  November.


Filed under Goals, Love, Possibility

Guest Post: Yoga, Ayurveda and Creativity

Guest Post written by yogi, writer and recent author of his new book, Misadventures of a Garden State Yogi, Brian Leaf.  Enjoy!


I’m thinking of new ideas all the time. So much so that sometimes I can get spun out and exhausted. My wife, on the other hand, has a much easier time staying grounded and pacing her energy.  Though she’s not quite as quick with new ideas.

Ayurveda, the 5000-year-old medical system from India, often called the sister science of yoga, has a lot to say about my wife and me. According to Ayurveda, there are different types of people, and these different types have different strengths, challenges, and needs.   Ayurveda identifies three primary tendencies within people, called vata, pitta, and kapha. Vata is the energy of air; pitta is the energy of fire; and kapha is the energy of water and earth.

A person, like me, with a constitution dominant in vata will have airy qualities (creative, quick, possibly anxious). A person with a constitution dominant in pitta will have fiery qualities (intense, focused, possibly overly critical). A person, like my wife, with a constitution dominant in kapha will have earthy qualities (steadfast, grounded, possibly stuck).

A vata person will be well endowed in the creativity department. New ideas and creative solutions flow freely for such a person. Their challenge, like mine, is to stay grounded and not get spun-out and exhausted from too many creative ideas. We have to make sure to see our ideas through and not lose steam half way through a project. By calming our vata, we can be wildly creative but also focused and steadfast.

A pitta person will be incisive and intelligent, often set on a fixed course of action and less open to creativity and new ideas. Surgeons are usually pitta individuals. They are confident, focused, and intense. A pitta person can retain their great focus, but bring in more creativity and tolerance of new ideas by soothing their pitta.

A kapha person, like my wife, usually has terrific endurance and resolve. She easily stays grounded, but creativity does not flow as freely. She may sometimes feel stuck and blocked up. By soothing her kapha and increasing her vata, she can harness her tremendous strength and resolve, while also tapping her latent creativity.

So, how can you effect this change in yourself? First you must identify your Ayurvedic constitution.

To determine whether vata, pitta, or kapha predominates your constitution, take the following short quiz:

1. Under stress, I become __________.

A. scattered and anxious B. focused and angry C. stuck  

2. When I’m hungry, I get __________.

A. scattered and anxious B. angry C. depressed

3. I hate to feel _________.

A. too cold B. too hot C. too wet

4. My biggest psychological struggles involve __________.

A. anxiety B. being judgmental, irritation, anger C. feeling stuck

5. When I have digestive problems, they involve ___________.

A. intestinal gas and bloating B. heartburn C. slow digestion, feeling stuck  

6. When I get sick, I feel ___________.

A. Worried, fried, constipated. B. Fevers, skin rashes, diarrhea. C. Congested, stagnant, blocked up.

Count the number of As, Bs, and C’s in your answers. Mostly A’s indicate vata, mostly B’s pitta, and mostly C’s kapha.   Now to bring balance and increased creativity. For your particular predominance (vata, pitta, or kapha), choose three of the six items listed below and follow them for at least a week and see what happens. You’ll probably feel a whole new level of health, vitality, and creativity. Let us know how it goes at

If the six question survey shows a predominance of Vata:

1. Keep warm, and wear soft, comfortable clothing. Make your bed into a soft, comfy haven.   2. Eat mostly cooked foods and use a bit of spice. Eat at a table, in a relaxed setting, not on the go or at your desk.   3. Keep a regular routine, and look over your schedule at the beginning of each day, so your mind can relax and know what’s coming.   4. Practice gentle forms of exercise.   5. Spend quiet time in nature, ideally near a lake or gently flowing stream. Sit under a tree.   6. Avoid or cut back on caffeine, wheat, sugar, and processed foods.

If the six question survey shows a predominance of Pitta:

1. Keep cool. Get lots of fresh air, but avoid too much direct sun. Take evening walks in the moonlight. The moon is very soothing to pitta.   2. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.   3. Avoid very spicy, very salty, and very oily foods.   4. Watch your tendency toward perfectionism, competition, and intensity. Bring in softness and love.   5. Express your feelings in constructive ways. Be gentle on yourself and others.   6. Avoid or cut back on caffeine, wheat, sugar, and processed foods.

If the six question survey shows a predominance of Kapha:

1. Get lots of vigorous exercise, everyday.   2. Avoid fatty and fried foods. Eat lots of veggies and cook with a bit of spice.   3. Eat less bread.   4. Avoid getting in a rut. Try new things, take challenges, travel.   5. Practice expressing your voice and your feelings and spend some time creating every day. Draw, paint, sculpt, sing, dance, play an instrument, imagine.   6. Avoid or dramatically cut back on wheat, sugar, and processed foods.


Brian Leaf, M.A. is the author of Misadventures of a Garden State Yogi. He draws upon twenty-one years of intensive study, practice, and teaching of yoga, meditation, and holistic health. Visit him online at   Based on the new book Misadventures of a Garden State Yogi ©2012 by Brian Leaf.

Published with permission of New World Library

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Filed under Possibility

Shelf Life

Remember disposable cameras?  Oh how I loved the surprises when you actually took them to print at the drugstore!

Yesterday, I kicked it old school and printed off pictures from my iPhone.  They have options:  an app that you can transfer pics directly to the kiosk, directly print from Facebook, or plug in the iPhone directly.  Rock the choice.  A total of 40 photos cost me 10 dollars, what a deal!  Mind you, the print shop does not like instagram filters.  Noted.

I got home and replaced most of my old photos with updated pictures.  Some of my frames had pictures from over 6 years ago; my friends and I don’t even look like that anymore!

And, it reminded me to decorate my life with the people I love.  Have visuals that make you smile and be grateful.

Post pics in real life, not just on Facebook.

Give your shelf some life with moments that bring you more joy!



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Filed under Gratitude

On Time

When I think of TIME, these come to mind:

* Where does the …. go?     * …. flies.     * Do you have …. for me?     * Quality ….     * I feel stretched for….     * Integrity     * To be on …     * I don’t have any alone ….     * I need to better prioritize my ….     * Right place, right….     *  Father ….     * Give me the … of day!     * I don’t have much …     *  …. after ….  (great song)

And what I realize is:  time is a state of mind.

Time is what I make it.  I own my time.

I have time for you.

Create it.  Expand it.  Beautiful.

Photo:  Capitol Hill Neighborhood, Seattle, WA


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Filed under Time

Get Up

In the words of James Brown, “get up offa that thing,  and dance till you feel better“!

There are days when I could sit behind this computer for hours and hours on end.  A little Facebook here, a little work email there, perhaps a look at twitter, oh why not and oh look, a new note on LinkedIN and wow, these blogs are amazing.

You see.

However, sitting hunched over on a computer for hours on end does not suit my frame.  I need to get up offa this thing and try to release some pressure.  And there is no better way than a sweet jam a la the James Brown, a run with the dog, a full on dance off in the living room or any type of activity with rad music to bring me back to life.

Press play.  Move.  Your.  Body.

Right now.

Get up.

Get up offa that thing, and make yourself feel better!


Photo credit: here.


Filed under Love, Present

To Be Real

Dear friend,

I have to tell you something.

I have been so impatient. I am impatient.  And my impatience instills fear that I will be left behind, left out, and be nothing in this World.  And my fear then transpires into stress and judgement, which then causes me to rush everything.  And in this giant rush and push to hurry up life, I leave you behind. I leave you out.  And, I actually really am nothing when I am pushing to be someone tomorrow, not today.   I am just so impatient.

And as I sit here writing this, I realize I have a question for you.

If I slow down and chill out.  If I can see what is in front of me, when I see you in front of me and love, love, love.  If I listen.  If I believe harder.  If I stumble and fall.  If I radically fail.  If I allow space and time to be space and time.  If I stop proving and stop speaking so loudly over others.  If I stop complaining and start creating.

Will you, will you wait for me

Please wait for me.

Dear World, will you wait for me?


Wait, Alexi Murdoch


Filed under Love, Present