Tag Archives: leader

Project Inspiration: Erin Thomas

As I dig deep and look into who I really am, I look into who I invest my time with and how they have moved me in what I have called Project Inspiration.

I wanted to take this time to tell you how my best friend, Erin Thomas has inspired me and been a part of my life evolution.  She is that  freaking-hilarious-and-knows-it-huge-hearted-party-of-a-good-time-up-for-anything-make-you-have-real-conversations-when-you-don’t-want-to-unconditional-loving-always-forgiving-always-guiding-best friend.

Dear Erin,

I can still close my eyes and feel the way I felt walking across the threshold of your apartment in The Villas, Sex and the City intro music playing over and over in the background, red wine waiting on the glass coffee table and a safety net catching me every step.  I was in that age twenty tornado just flailing and you grabbed my arm and pulled me out.  Best friends ever since.

What I wanted to let you know is that who you are has and continues to shape who I am every day.

Erin, you are one of those great greats of a friend.  Period.  You pick up the phone.  You check in.  You call people out.  You lift people up.  You forgive in a way only real friends do.  Your capacity for love in a friendship is endless. I am inspired by our relationship and truly aspire to be for my friends and family who you are as a best friend to me.

Always up for a good time, you are a true partner in crime when it comes to a party.  Doesn’t matter what we are wearing, who we are with or where we are headed, if I am with you, I am in for adventure.  And don’t even get me started on your dance moves.  I am inspired to never ever feel sorry for partying.

Erin, you are beautiful.  Say it in the mirror three times.  Because you are.

Be it a bagel shop, a yoga studio, a dear friend or an accepted invite, you are loyalty.  When I wade a little deeper in the vocabulary pond, you are devotion.  And that is a beautiful quality.  To be devoted, attentive and true is something I most cherish in you.  Stepping into a new career, becoming a yoga teacher, and being a yoga teacher; your life shifts are inspiring and a true testament of your amazing future.  I see it.  I enjoy it.  And I am inspired to keep shifting in my life and devoting to creating my future.  Thank you for being a great example, a true leader in this.

Let’s talk about the humor card, because you were dealt it.  And you are not afraid to tell anyone and everyone that you are most definitely and without a doubt the funniest person you know.  I laugh out loud and often when I am around you, on the phone with you, or looking at your life photos on facebook.  (smile)  Laughter is a form of emotional balance.  Don’t forget that, because when you provide me with a bit of balance, I am forever grateful, forever thankful and forever inspired.

Erin, thank you for never giving up on this twisting and winding roller coaster of a frienship you and I stepped into.  You are, in the words of Tina Turner, “simply the best“.  Thank you for loving me, for shifting in the most powerful ways, and for making everyone in your life laugh.  I’ll be seeing on the yoga mat, in a car driving around some lake or posted up at the bar.  And I can’t wait.

As you continue to rock in this life, keep being who you are. And I promise that I will do the same.


Jacki Carr

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Filed under Gratitude

Project Inspiration: Matt Hoglund

As I dig deep and look into who I really am, I look into who I invest my time with and how they have moved me in what I have called Project Inspiration.

I wanted to take this time to tell you how my best friend, Matt Hoglund has inspired me and been a part of my life evolution.  You probably have one of these:  the talk-for-hours-yoga-loving-possibility-seeking-share-your-goals-and-dreams-with-brutally-honest-and-well-dressed best friend.  Let’s compare notes. 


I remember that sunny day you walked through the glass double doors at lululemon athletica Santa Monica and thinking, “Hmph, how did this guy get the job I applied for?”.  Ego talking.  Recurring theme, I am aware.  From our shared yoga dates to work drama, our amazing coffee evenings or late night wine chats, match.com winks to cleaning out my closet and sharing possibilities, I am so happy you got the job and walked into my life that day.

What I wanted to let you know is that who you are, has and continues to shape who I am every day.

You, Matt, are possibility every day.  I envision when you wake up there is an inspirational book of quotes next to your bathroom sink to read while teeth brushing, you have a daily declaration on your mirror every morning,  and  you leave the house standing upright and walking with an air of “today is the day to be great”.   And I envision this because when I speak to you via phone, you ooze with greatness.  I am inspired by your mentality, your ability to believe in yourself and who you choose to be each day.  And, I believe in you.

Matt, you look good.  And I mean really good.  Your fashion sense is unreal and you have no qualms sharing what not to wear.  As I recall, you saved me from the insanity that was packing to move from LA to Chicago by shipping out 3 large black gallon garbage bags to goodwill.  It was not the sheer and utter honesty when you held up the pink and black polka dotted skirt that was size 2 and you looked at me like “that is never going to happen every again”; what it really was:  is who are you are.  We had a great time cleaning out my closet, we had a great time making fun of my fashion sense and you allowed space in my life.  Space that was not there before.  I am inspired by the space you allow people by being you.

Your decision to leave a job to create one that would fulfill all areas of your life is inspiring.  You choose possibility over fear and that in itself is a rare gift.   Go ahead, check him out:  www.matthoglund.com.  You’re not going to live a mediocre life and neither am I.  Knowing we are in it together keeps me excited – and calling you every other day for accountability.  Thanks for picking up the phone.

The ability to be open and patient definitely allows you a leg up.  A long leg up.  You thrive on feedback to be better, you listen listen listen then ask questions and you allow yourself and others time with no judgment.  I yearn to write ‘envious’ – however, that is not the correct word.  I am inspired by you as a great leader in my life.  I continuously work on patience and listening and you are such a guiding light.

Lastly, I will not leave out our one night of amazing dance moves at Circle Bar.  There it comes up again – that fearless movement, literally.  We showed that dance floor and Santa Monica community who was boss that night.  And to me, that sums up how you live your life.  Create it, show them who is boss and dance because you can.  So inspiring and I will continue to shake my groove thing with you.

Thank you Matty for going against the grain, having a different conversation and beautiful worldview, and for teaching me everyday to be a great human being.  The experiences I have from our friendship are ones that I am forever grateful.  I will continue to be a name that shows up on your caller id, and I look forward to every encounter; as every time I am in a different and greater space than I was before we connected. 

As you continue to rock in this life, keep being who you are. And I promise that I will do the same.


Jacki Carr

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