Tag Archives: friendship

Real Friends

And tonite, I laughed.

Smiled.  A lot.

Absolutely and truly enjoyed every minute of a quality friendship.


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Filed under Gratitude

Adventure: Hashtag Honesty

A friend gave me notes to consider for my life this morning.  He got honest, stated how I was showing up in our conversation, and gave me the real dirt.  See below and borrow if needed (the notes, not my friend):

1)  When was the last time you sat still – maybe read for 3 hours?  #slowdown

2) Have gratitude for what you have and step back and look at the big picture.  #celebrateyou

3)  Stop over-analyzing.  Period.

4)  Search for that sweet spot that is compassion.  #loveyourself

5) Stop rushing to and looking for what is next, enjoy the journey.  #bepresent

6)  Buy a journal – write what you are grateful for every morning.  #gratitudejournal

7)  “Call me more”, he says.  Rad communication = Rad friendship.  #pickupthephone

8)  Comparison KILLS.  #createYOURlife

9) Expectations versus reality.  #thinkaboutit


Note:  we were only together for some 4 hours.  Rad friends cause radical vibrations in your life.  Find them, ask them, thank them. 





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Filed under Goals, Possibility

Project Inspiration: Alex Christensen

As I dig deep and look into who I really am, I look into who I invest my time with and how they have moved me in what I have called Project Inspiration.

I wanted to take this time to tell you how my best friend, Alex Christensen has inspired me and been a part of my life evolution.  You probably have one of these:  the always-there-for-you-voice-of-reason-eat-everything-and-stay-thin-perfect-coutnerpart-super-organized-travelling-adventure-seeking-crazy-big-hearted best friend.  Let’s compare notes…

Dear Alex,

You are a once in a lifetime best friend. 

We met our first day in college, you had bangs and braces and I had an ego and mismatched outfits.  It took us a year or so to come around to best friends, and once we did we were inseparable.  Same classes, studies abroad in Australia, moved to California together, shared living space, and thus shared life space.  I am forever grateful for that college encounter on our dorm floor and the countless memories we have shared.

What I wanted to let you know is that who you are has and continues to shape who I am everyday.

Your life is an ultimate adventure.  Spending a year in Australia to currently hopping around Europe – your ability to dive headfirst into life is inspiring.  I love reading your writing, sharing with my friends that you are my best friend wandering around the World and I am so proud of you for living the life you want.  I triple dare all of you to read Al’s radical adventures here, and I wish you luck to try not to pack your suitcase to meet her in the upcoming romps across Africa, Italy or Greece.   Al, you remind me daily to live the life I really want and remember that life’s too short not to make it happen.

You are the voice of reason, the organized part of my brain that is missing, and you tell the truth.  Thank you for standing for me in all these years, for staying on this friendship rollercoaster even when the drops and turns got gnarly, and for telling me how it is like it is.  True friendship is honesty and that is something I have learned from you. 

As my own travel agent and organized to the hour planner, you are the master.  I literally bow down to your ability to organize a group trip, plan the daily activities and crunch those dreaded numbers.  I am truly in awe and so lucky to have you on my life team.  My ideas are mere thought bubbles of fun until you sit down and book a flight, find an adventure and say “hey, let’s go”.  You inspire me to get into action.  Have an idea and plan it out, Jacki!

You are just fun.  If we are together, I have no doubt in my mind that it is going to be a damn good time.  Always.  Dance moves, funny voices, laugh till tears,  memories relived, movie quotes and more; you’re energy and radical spirit is something I always want to be around.

To be honest, you are always right … and in the right way.  You think things through while thinking of others.  The compassionate side of you is what always makes you right.  I honestly feel for the husband you wrangle – he will undoubtedly 87% of the time be wrong, lose that knowledge battle and apologize later.  Its your intuition, your core values and knowing yourself.  I am inspired to be right…like you, in the right way.

You are a teacher.  A life teacher.  You are never one to just give the answers away.  Whether you know it or not, who you are provides lessons to all those around you.  I am inspired by your ability to drop the ego and allow someone else to step forward, find the answer and succeed in a spotlight.  True grace. 

As I look back in my memory files, flip through my photo albums, and click through facebook of our 244 pics, I smile.  Filled with gratitude for a best friend like you.  Thank you for loving me unconditionally and sharing life space with me.  Alex, thank you for inspiring me everyday to live  an adventure-filled life, to know my values and keep me in check, and for leaving me to hop the World.  I have never learned more. 

As you continue to rock in this life, keep being who you are. And I promise that I will do the same.


Jacki Carr

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Filed under Gratitude

Project Inspiration: Kristina Gong

As I dig deep and look into who I really am, I look into who I invest my time with and how they have moved me in what I have called Project Inspiration.

I wanted to take this time to tell you how one of my best friends, Kristina Gong has inspired me and been a part of my life evolution. You probably have one of these; the World-traveling-smart-Karaoke-singing-tech-saavy-loud-laughing-goal-oriented-cool best friends.  Let’s compare notes…

Dear Kristina,

We met while moving somewhat fast, breathing heavy and in need of water. While training for a marathon in sunny Santa Monica, California, our life paths crossed. My first memory was passing you on the boardwalk and you yelling, “hey, are you a soccer player or something?”. I get that all the time … big quads. Anyways, I yelled back “no” and just kicked it in and sped off.

From there on out, we were running partners. Then marathon finishers. And now, best friends.

What I wanted to let you know is that who you are has and continues to shape who I am.

You are such a commander of your life. Your decision to quit your job and travel the World for eight months the past year was and remains truly inspiring. Keep sharing! Find her story in video posts, here.

Your candid honesty is superior to any fluff some non-friend would provide to smooth a situation and encourages me to be honest in return and in all areas of my life.

You crave knowledge. You are so rich in culture by choice. And that choice is powerful. Thank you for sharing everything you learn with me and inspiring me to search for more.

You are wise beyond your years and you stand up for what you believe in. And wow, you karaoke a mean version of Gladys Knight’s “Midnight Train to Georgia”…nasty mean. In these moments, you are vulnerable, fearless and demanding – and I admire that.

You want to truly experience this life, laugh deep and loud in this life and be madly in love in this life. And that is someone I want to be around, talk to daily on gchat, go with to adventures places, sing far too loud with in the car, roll out my mat to yoga with, and call my best friend.

Thank you for allowing me space in your life. Thank you for inspiring me everyday to be in constant wonder of the World, to be adventurous, to be honest, to seek knowledge always, to laugh and sing way outloud, and to stand for what I believe in. 

As you continue to rock in this life, keep being who you are. And I promise that I will do the same.


Jacki Carr

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Filed under Gratitude