Tag Archives: lululemon athletica

Adventure: Smile

I work for a radical company you might have heard of, lululemon athletica.  Today in my Outlook calendar was an appointment titled:  Gratitude Call with Brian Tracy.  I was so excited and inspired; a company wide phone call with the gratitude king,  BTracy himself!  #joblove

Now, amongst the many juicy nuggets I took away, wrote down and  have been reflecting on every other minute, as I sit here still vibrating from the conversation, one that resonated with me this evening was how we are able to communicate and appreciate one another as humans via smiling.  A smile as a way to show gratitude, love and respect.  Beautiful.

So naturally, I put it to the test.

It was a gorgeous day in Southern California and I had a hankering to get outside the entire work day.  I finished up my last interview and rushed to the bedroom to put my running clothes on for an evening run with my energy monster of a rescue pup, Bear.  We sped out the door in a hurry to literally race one another down the blocks to catch the sun dip into the ocean reflecting over the beach.

Now, while running I made it a point to smile at passersby and if someone wanted to chat, I pulled out one ear bud blasting Pandora radio of Florence & the Machine (highly recommended) and gave them the time of day.  Albeit a longer run than planned, every smile returned and every conversation was bliss. 

I met a man named Ron cleaning his RV who said I have a happy dog and shared the benefits of my running with him.  Smiling. 

While stretching, I talked to an out-of-towner and a local watching the sun set on a grassy knoll off the Venice Boardwalk, as we exchanged our mutual appreciation for the beauty of the sky literally looking as if it was on fire.  Still smiling. 

I made eye contact with an older man riding his bike on the beach path that laughed out loud at Bear’s gregarious running style in the soft sand.  Big smile. 

I passed a young gal with her tiny pup and we laughed as I yanked Bear away from her little energy monster.  

On my return home, I met a dude named Beau with a Frenchie named Addy.  He was a handsome young fellow that asked me out for a drink, although I kindly declined and shared I had a hot boyfriend at home.  But nonetheless, told him he was very cute and enjoyed talking to him.  Secret smile. 

And finally, I met the owner of the market on the corner that is literally 27 steps from my front door.  His name is Hawk and he is now looking into how much he can get a case of coconut water for me at a good price – as I am there at his counter every other day for my individual purchases of the Unsweetened Natural Isotonic Beverage that is Amy & Brian Coconut Juice

 And as I walked into my house smiling, I realized that I have never had such an enjoyable time with my community and how I absolutely loved that run.  And, I swear when I looked down to remove the leash, Bear was smiling, too.

So, what of this smiling thing? 

Well, it rocked my Universe.  If you had any thoughts on this, I say put it to the test! 

Especially to all of my single friends out there:  go rescue a puppy and SMILE your heart out!

Run to the Sunset


Filed under Gratitude, Happiness, Present

Try Something New! Adventure: Pilates and Paddleboarding

I love my life for so many reasons. 

And one of them is the ways I get to sweat with the lululemon crew!  Paddleboarding & Pilates in Minneapolis, MN!

Plank and Paddleboard

 Go try a new adventure TODAY!  Do it Now, Do it Now!

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Filed under Adventures, Happiness