
Project Gratitude started here

It was actually called Project Inspiration, as my intention was to voice, shout, write and love the people who have inspired my life: that being my entire life, my being, who I am and how I move, think, talk, act… But what I realize now and  throughout the course of the project was, it truly became a project about gratitude.  Truly appreciating, respecting and praising the amazing people in my life and reminding them who they are for me and who they are for the World.

Below are the amazing people I have truly thanked….thus far:

Kristina Gong, my amazing Dad, Alex Christensen, Matty Hoglund, my superhero of a Mother, my beautiful life-teaching younger sisters, Erin Thomas, my insanely loud and loving Grandma, my best friend become family brother Chris New, Amanda Casgar, Sarita Louise Moore, my forgiving and patient boyfriend, Chris Hynes

There are more to come.

But what I wanted to share with you – what I want you to know is that this Project changed my days.  I can tell you, most posts I was crying through.  #emotionalgratitude.  Most posts left me inspired about the people who literally allow me in their lives, allow time to listen and love me.  And by voicing the mark they leave on me, I then embrace my life, that day, that week in an inspired mind space.  How beautiful is that?

Imagine how your days could start if each day or each week, we took the time to send gratitude letters or blog posts across the wires to those we love…

I say go for it.  Tell them all and then see what it tells you.


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