Tag Archives: passion

Live Your Verbs!

A strength:  something that makes you feel strong.

The question is, are you living your strengths?  Are you doing what lights YOU up every day?

My strengths are:  coaching, connecting, listening for passion and possibility, event planning, presenting, writing, enrolling, reading, learning, and activating.

How do I know?  Because any time I live in these actions, I vibrate on a different level of life.  These moments leave me invigorated, energized and absolutely juiced on life.  I stand in a space after coaching or connecting, after activating or learnings something new, while presenting and enrolling – and I feel that I am doing exactly what I should be doing at this moment for the World.   #lifelove

Thus, these action verbs most definitely LIGHT.  ME.  UP. 

 And when I take a look at this list, I want these verbs in my day-to-day, in my life’s work, and in my action plans.  Starting now. 

What action verbs light you up?   Write them down.

Get up to them.  Be in action.  Live your life. 

Rock your strengths!  Live your verbs!


Filed under Goals, Happiness, Present

Sharing: Trust the Universe

Because sharing is caring, here is a beauitful blog post I stumbled upon this morning and have since read over and over again seven times.  LOVED the reminder to trust the beautiful Universe.

Teaser to click:

5. Don’t hold back on enjoying life because you’re waiting for some reason to enjoy it. The universe wants you to be happy now, so give up waiting and simply enjoy life. Trust the universe, that magical unseen force, is helping you all the time. Lie down on the grass and know that you are supported.

Radical link here:  http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-4108/5-Ways-to-Trust-the-Universe.html

Have the most beautiful day.


Filed under Happiness, Possibility

Adventure: Sweat Together

I have said it before and I know I will say it again (and again).

A couple that sweats together, stays together. 

I met up with my main squeeze today for my first 1:1 coaching session with him at his local CrossFit Box.  I have been breathing and flowing on my blue yoga mat for the past 3-4 months – so needless to say, hardest.workout.ever.

But amidst the sweat + heart beating out of my throat + hating with sheer force jump roping double unders + wanting to be done after round 1 and having 7 more to go… what really happened was we sweat together, we spent quality time together, he was my coach and I got to enjoy the loving-his-life-boyfriend of mine, when he is smack dab in his passion meets best life zone.   And, as I came to my last round of the workout (Chris finished over 9 minutes before me but stood there cheering me on), I did two of these special jump rope styles in a row.  We both paused, I looked up smiling and he was so proud of me.  Made it all worth while.  Sweet love in a sweat.


Sweet Love in a Sweat

Note:  he rocked cotton, I did not.  #wicking  #onesweatydude

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Filed under Adventures, Happiness, Love, Relationship