Tag Archives: nap

Adventure: Do You See What I See?

A metaphor.  For a life beautiful.  An image of love.

It was a sleepy Sunday afternoon and Chris and I had decided to lay down and take a short nap. 

Legs intertwined.  Head on shoulder.  Heart relaxed.  Bear comfortable.

As the time ticked, I daydreamed – unable to fall asleep.  I took a moment to take in my surroundings.  I looked down at Bear’s sleeping puppy face.  I noted the laundry pile.  I saw the tilting picture frames yet to be hung.  And then, I looked up and heard Chris fast asleep rustling a lite rhythmic snore, as he does.   And there I was, wide awake just hugging and observing my big life in a nap’s form.  And in that moment, I realized …

My life is a sweet nap in the middle afternoon….to recharge.

My life is a landry pile … of adventures.

My life is a pile of frames…holding pictures of those adventures.

My life is a pair of loving legs intertwined…like Chris’ life and my life intertwined t0 provide a most comfortable napping space for a puppy.

My life is a heart relaxed.  A smiling observer.  A snoring sleep.  A happy soul.

My life is a life beautiful.

I lay my head back down on Chris’ shoulder.  I took a deep breathe and just enjoyed what I chose to see in that moment. 

I chose to see a life full of LOVE.

Do you see what I see?  Choose it.


Filed under Love, Possibility, Present, Relationship