Guest Post: Dear New York City

Guest Blog written today by a goal crusher, one fast marathon runner, and a woman I once claimed ‘smiles so much she must shit butterflies every day of her life’, the amazing Molly Paterno.  She is literally living her goals, rocking her dreams and the car is packed to move from LA to NYC this weekend.  Read on, enjoy and share: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________”

Dear New York City,

May 15, 2000:   Our first encounter was on Saturday afternoon on Broadway and 42nd Street.  You, in thick black coat & red scarf, were on your way to rehearsal. Something about you just drove me insane.  I could feel your energy in the one, one thousand, two, one thousand seconds, when we locked eyes at the crosswalk. Although I neglected to strike up a conversation, I had a feeling we’d meet again. I was confident this was to be the first of the many times our paths would cross.

Dear New York City,

June 23, 2008:  Can you believe it took me nearly seven years to come see you again?  I had a few pictures placed in my journal to remember you by:  Times Square, theater shows, restaurants, even the Broadway street sign where we first met at 42nd! Seven years later and I feel about 30 years older.  Your charm, I once experienced, seemed non-existent. All I saw were your streets.  Scattered with one big groundhogs day adult lives, filled with suits, power points, and topped off by luke warm office coffee pots. Sometimes you can feel so surrounded and alone, all at the same time. But then, you did it. You took me for my first run in Central Park.  How long did we go for? Was it 2 hours? We ran and ran, got lost but didn’t panic. Instead we stopped for a Coke and a nap on the Great Lawn. You assured me that if you allow yourself to run wild, indulge sugary drinks, and nap in green grass, that the real world does not strip you of childish play.

Dear New York City,

August 12, 2009: You inspire me with creativity and humor. You sold me a $7 ticket and gave a friendly wink. I think you were surprised that I was interested? I spent an hour walking around that big beautiful building. Oh the paintings and the colors, so different than what I had anticipated. Thank you for asking me if I was lost, pointing me in the right direction, and for laughing. LOUD. Can you believe I was trying to go to the Museum of Modern Art but instead ended up with you next door at the Museum of Folk Art? That was so silly. You showed me that creativity, expression, and inspiration is everywhere – be it an accidental encounter, the building next door, or the person chain smoking outside across the street…..

Dear New York City,

July 20, 2011:  I feel so alive when I’m with you. It’s like I can’t stop moving when you’re around. I just want to soak up every moment we spend together. Our 4am subway rides, secret park concerts, dancing until 5am,  lucky $25 front row tickets to live theater, art, fashion & fashionable people, street festivals, coffee with strangers that are actually not so strange after hour-long latte conversations, that one time we had a crab cookout on the 4th of July and fell in love Down Under the Manhattan Bridge on the very same day….we’ve done so much! But gosh, I don’t feel like we’ve even brushed the surface.

Dear New York City,

September 23th, 2012:  Did I tell you?  I’ll be coming to see you again in a week. Only this time, it’s as permanent. Well, as permanent as permanent can be, which is really not that permanent at all, I suppose. Anyway, I’ll be coming for more time with you. I’m packing a few things, but you said I don’t need much. I’m grateful to have a friend like you….so generous. You always find a way to make sure I’m taken care of. Even if I was homeless in Central Park, you would probably send me a blanket! Can I bring you anything from the California Coast? Let me know.  NOTE: palm trees don’t fit in carry-ons.

Dear NYC (Can I call you that? I think we’re on nickname basis already),

September 24th, 2012:  I’m counting down the minutes until we reunite. So many more experiences to come, stories of you and I to write. I have some important questions for you and am sitting here wondering – what will our next adventure be? Where will we go, will we explore? What part of town will we live in? Who will we meet and where will we wander?  Most importantly, how big shall we DREAM and what will we DARE to do together?

Dear YOU,

September 25, 2012 (today):  Will you share your NYC with me? Help me create a “top 100” New York City bucket list:






SHARE, SHARE, SHARE in the comment section:  your secret spots, your favorite neighborhoods, your Dear New York moments, epic NYC adventures, where you dance, sweat, eat and play, live a delicious life….



Filed under Adventures, Goals, Possibility

10 responses to “Guest Post: Dear New York City

  1. Emily Crozier

    miss molly, enjoy living your dream. so excited for you and that city. shit, it makes people come alive, doesnt it?!! you MUST go to babbo. one of the best meals of my life. we will miss you on the best coast 😉

  2. Congrats, Molly!!! PS… now you’re closer to me so you have to come visit Chicago 😉

  3. I LOVED the Fat Radish in Chinatown! Super fresh and delish! Check it: And this outdoors gal spent a whole day in Central Park in Sheep’s Meadow! #parklife

  4. Lindsey

    Anthony David’s in Hoboken is absolutely amazing!!

  5. Amy Ramos-Selfe


    The journeys just beginning….feel it all, taste it all, such a yummy place to be. NYC will love you back every time. Visit Soho for me and visit the beauty upstate. Love you!! LA will miss your smile.

  6. Jennifer

    This is such an awesome post!! I am super thrilled for you living out your goals!! I love NYC, I don’t live there but visited many times!! Do something different…. Go to Bohemian Hall & Beer Garden or attend an SNL Show!!!

  7. Jess Miller

    Take a ride at Soul Cycle- I’ve never been to a class but from what I read its AMAZING!

    Also frozen hot chocolate at Serendipty, pizza from two boots in Grand Central, and Cheesecake from Juniors.

    Apparently when I go to NYC all I do is eat 🙂 Welcome to a new fun chapter of life Molly

  8. have a great time in new york city, molly!! i’m obviously sad to see you go… just don’t forget to come visit us as soon as you can!

  9. Love this post, love this girl, love this new adventure!!! Way to go, Molly!

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